Here at Lefty’s Place Farm Sanctuary we wish for lots of things.
We mostly wish for humans to stop eating meat and animal by-products,
but there are other things we wish for as well and they are listed here below:
Chicken food is something we need lots of – all the time. The chickens here get fed Barastoc Champion Layer, Barastoc Darling Downs Layer, rolled oats, corn, bok choy, spinach, pasta, rice, vegetables and a little bit of bread (for Bob of course).
We’d prefer donations in the form of funds for chicken feed or if you’d like to drop off feed, please contact me for a drop off location.
Our sheep and horse residents have great pasture but I do supplement their feed often with good quality grass hay and lucerne. I need this on hand at all times also for any unwell animals.
We’d prefer donations in the form of funds for hay or if you’d like to drop off feed, please contact me for a drop off location (sorry, it won’t be at the sanctuary).
Our biggest expense here is vet bills. We rescue many ex commercial egg layers who often need broken bones fixed after rough handling and who have egg yolk peritonitis. Our bills can be huge and they are constant. To contribute to our vet fund, you can either donate directly via bank deposit or PayPal OR you can put money on to our vet accounts (either under the name Tamara Kenneally or Lefty’s Place) at:
*VetCall Footscray – 9687 7711
*Bird Vet Melbourne – 9808 9011
*Romsey Veterinary Surgery – 5429 5711
We go through a lot of supplements, syringes, needles, vet wrap, puppy pads, towels, bowls, transport carriers….you name it we go through it.
Here is a list of things we always love to receive in the post ( P.O. Box 392 Romsey 3434 Vic) :
*Nutrigel – Our chickens go crazy for it and its amazing for sick and newly rescued animals.
* Protexin – I use this for most animals and I use a lot!!
*1ml Ultra Fine Needle Syringes – We go through so many of these. Always desperately needed.
*Disposable Syringe 1ml (most used)/5ml/10ml and 20ml – An item I can NEVER have enough of!!
*Poly-Aid Plus First Aid Supplement – Essential to our new rescue hens and our sick and ailing residents.
*Puppy Pads – New and ill hens go through a lot of these whilst recovering inside.
The treats they live for and I can’t help indulging them in 🙂
*Vegie Ears – The dogs LOVE these so much!
*Happier Pets Oat Baaas – Our sheep residents are addicted, our dogs are obsessed and our horses always want just one more.
*Happier Pets Cinnamon Rolls – A new favourite!
*Bio Pet Organic Bones – Always enjoyed!
*Blackdog Sweet Potato Slice – Favourite favourite favourite!
*Weet Bix – The sheep are always awaiting their next weet bix!
*Petrol Vouchers – I drive a lot, constantly actually. I drive to rescues and I drive to vets constantly. Petrol is a huge cost in my life.
*Bunnings/Mitre 10 Vouchers – Always needing to add more fencing and more coops etc etc.
*SD HC Cards – I can never had too many of these. Must be extreme speed cards.
*Funds For Medications – I constantly run out of funds for the most important thing here – meloxicam pain relief. I have so many chickens and sheep on this product that I go through it very fast.
You can donate via PayPal or via bank deposit.
Or send us any of the things in this list to
Lefty’s Place – P.O. Box 392 Romsey, Vic 3434