
He arrived in early June, 2014 in a trailer with three of his Suffolk sisters. When he was let out into a paddock he looked wary. He looked scared, wary and angry….mostly angry.  Angry came from a small Suffolk sheep breeder who no longer wanted his sheep. These lovely sheep were no longer wanted and…

Ducks Out Of Water (Duck Farming)

When you think of ducks, you automatically think of water. There is a reason for that. Ducks and water go hand in hand. Ducks are an aquatic bird. Their need for water to swim in and bathe in  as it is essential for their health and happiness. Duck farming denies ducks of any pools of…


Is there life on mars? We believe Bowie thinks so. We believe Bowie actually lives there in her mind. She is our odd bod chicken. Bowie was found starving to death in a free range egg farm in May, 2014. She had somehow escaped the hands of workers when they came into the shed and…


The first time I saw him, he was cuddled up with another lamb in the front seat of a car. He was just a few days old. He was tiny and had brown tipped ears. He travelled up to Lefty’s Place that night with his little lamb friend, myself and my friend. We were only…


She was so very tiny. The smallest, skinniest and most featherless hen in that particular cage. She was terrified when that cage door opened and two hands reached in and grabbed her, but she didn’t know how lucky she was. 16 months of living in that tiny wire cage with 5 other hens was now…