Bobby Bob Bob was taken out of the tiny battery cage that she shared with five other hens and put into a car on her way to a new life in March 2014. Bobby was chosen to be rescued because of her extremely strange looking neck and face and she was obviously the most bullied in that cage.
Where Bobby lived for the first year and a bit of her life. In a cage with five other hens. Seen as only an egg machine.
She spent the few weeks in a foster home before coming to live with me. Bobby has a crushed vertebrae from either rough handling or having her head stuck in the bars. She has a lung infection. She has a half cut off bottom beak. She has nerve damage to one of her eyes and she has a screw in her gizzard. If Bobby were a dog or a cat, her carers would be prosecuted for cruelty, but because she is seen as nothing in the animal agriculture industry but money, she has suffered so greatly and no one is accountable.
Bobby Bob Bob’s x-ray showing her crushed vertebrae, infected lungs and the screw in her gizzard.
This beautiful little chicken just wants to be with us. She is my shadow and always wants to know where I am. She is on daily pain medication and will be for the rest of her life.
This happy little pudding (that’s her nickname) skips around the yard talking to us all the time with her nerve damaged eye, her crushed vertebrae, her mangled mouth and beak, her poor eyesight, a slight wheeze from her lungs and that screw sitting in her gizzard. She seems oblivious to all her problems and loves life so very much. Food, life and licking are Bobs favourite things. Our sweet Bobs. She is a joy to know and brings sunshine to the day.
Bobby Bob Bob is named after my favourite character in “The Mighty Boosh” comedy tv series,
Please think of all the girls who haven’t been this lucky and are still suffering in tiny cages with horrifically painful injuries like this. Choose kindness over eggs.
Please don’t use my images without permission. All images are Copyright Tamara Kenneally