“Today I sniffed a flower. Today I licked that flower. Today I tried to eat a bit of that flower. It was the best day ever. Love Bobby Bob Bob” You can read Bobby Bob Bob’s story here:
“I got up really early and ran out in to the chicken run and started screaming. You see, if I scream enough, she’ll always get out of bed and come and see what’s wrong. She got up, but I didn’t get a treat, so I started to screaming some more….and oh, can I scream. She…
“Today the sky was so blue and the sun was so warm. I spent some of my day sunbaking on the grass whilst grabbing some grass snacks every few minutes. I had a long dust bath. Matilda pushed me out of my spot, so I pottered off and yelled a bit. I had some watermelon…
“I mean, she came outside with a whole roll of bread! What else was I meant to do! I gave it my best shot to fit it all in my mouth. Didn’t get it all in, but next time I’m pretty excited to do it. Also, the other thing that happened today was that Honks…
“So today I got up and started yelling really early to get Tam out of bed. If I yell loud enough, for long enough, she comes running. Then I ate some oats. Then I licked some oats. Then I licked a bag, it was a nice bag. Then I saw some shoes I like, I…