Category Archives: Chickens


Just before I caught the train back to Melbourne that day in May 2014, I had a quick walk around the small monthly market by the river. Along with the soap stalls and jam stalls was a poultry stall. Ducks, guinea fowl, roosters, hens all standing in small cages on the ground without any food…


Retro came from Edgar’s Mission’s 2012 huge chicken rescue, “Chicken Run”. 1,500 hens were rescued by Edgar’s Mission from a battery egg farmer who had a change of heart ( read about it all here ) I adopted 12 hens from Edgar’s Mission that year and Retro was on of those hens. Retro was…

Mrs Gideon

She came from a Werribee battery egg farm. She had served her 18 months in a tiny cage with 5 other chickens and was sent to the room where they sell “spent” hens to the public for things like soup. She waited in a cage in that room with thousands of other hens. The room…

Seven And Eleven

Seven and Eleven were rescued at the same time from the same battery egg  farm in Victoria. Trapped in tiny cages with five hens to a cage, their suffering was intense.   Rescued early 2012, these two beautiful White Leghorns came to live at Lefty’s Place. These two have been inseparable from day one. They…


We wandered into a farm in May 2014. One of the free range egg sheds had it’s doors wide open. Dead bodies of chickens were strewn around the outside and inside of the shed. Feather piles were left from where foxes had picked off the left behind living hens. This was a shed that had…