She was found on Friday March 6,2015 wandering alongside the weir which runs parallel to the Midland Highway. She was found weak, emaciated, terrified and suffering from pneumonia. The ranger was called to pick her up and he took her to our vet. Our vets treated her for pneumonia, wormed her, liced her and then called us – “We have a little lamb here. Would you like her?”. How could we say no!
Elsie in her pen at the vets.
We picked the little lady up on Saturday morning. She looked so small, sick and terrified in her holding pen. In to the car she went for the journey to her new home.
Her nose was running constantly and she was so tired. She hadn’t eaten for quite some time. We don’t know how she ended up stranded next to the highway but we think she may have been dumped there by someone. Perhaps someone purchased a small lamb for a Christmas present for a child or as a lamb to fatten up to be eaten and left her in their backyard. When she became unwell, they probably had no idea what to do with her and dumped her. Elsie was not interested in the other sheep, she acted like she’d never seen them before. She wandered around the property grazing alone for months before she chose to join the flock. She is still scared of us, but not so much. She’s more wary than terrified of us these days.
After about three months of wandering our paddocks alone, Elsie finally decided to join the flock. Righty welcomed her with open arms and protected her from any bullying. Wrinkles fell in love with her and sticks by her side most days. It’s lovely to see this little lady comfortable with her new family.
Wrinkles and Elsie
Please don’t use my images without permission. All images are Copyright Tamara Kenneally
A one year $50 sponsorship helps keep Elsie healthy and happy.
It ensures Elsie has all the things for her to live out her live in peace at Lefty’s Place.
*One sponsorship certificate.
*Three 5×7 inch prints of Elsie being the beautiful teddy bear sheep she is.
*An email from Elsie during the year letting you know what she’s been up to.