The Amazing Misadventures of Bobby Bob Bob – Bobby’s World

“I mean, she came outside with a whole roll of bread! What else was I meant to do! I gave it my best shot to fit it all in my mouth. Didn’t get it all in, but next time I’m pretty excited to do it.

Also, the other thing that happened today was that Honks came outside after a day or so in her sick bed. Wow, there was a big fight between Amy Pond and Honks!. Honks won, even though she is a little bit poorly, but I was pretty scared so I ran away with my head down. In the old days, when I was in the cage, everyone used to fight and I couldn’t escape…I just had to put my head down and get attacked. I hated it. I was always so scared. I hate fighting….at least now I can run away and hide. The end. Love Bob”


You can read Bobby Bob Bob’s full story here:
